Choosing a children’s ministry curriculum that helps prepare kids for the life they will experience after high school is crucial. Spending most of their time under the same roof as their parents leaves kids with very little room to rebel or choose a path other than that of the Lord. So, make sure their time spent in their Sunday school lessons equips them with the tools to make wise decisions when they face the wider world.
Not sure if your curriculum is up to scratch? Read on to find out if your youth ministry curriculum is sufficient to prepare your students for life after high school.
Does it encourage consideration of their life’s purpose?

In an ideal world, students would leave their high school lives behind feeling ready for the future, with a clear idea of their life’s purpose in their mind. We know that this isn’t always the case, and many people don’t discover their true life’s purpose until much later down the line. But, providing the kids of your community with the knowledge that they do have a purpose, whatever it may be, will give them drive and determination.
By choosing a curriculum that focuses on the value of different occupations and the importance of having a different type of person for each role in society, your kids will be better equipped. Leaving school feeling clueless and unprepared is incredibly common, so make sure the young people of your community know that it is OK not to know exactly what their life has in store for them.
Does it prepare them for potentially challenging situations?

Life can be difficult at times, and knowing how to navigate these rocky waters is an invaluable skill. While we all prefer to focus on the positives of life and the things we are excited about that fill us with joy, bringing attention to the difficult questions is necessary. The tumultuous ups and downs of life can feel impossible to navigate to the unprepared, but by bringing these themes to light for your slightly older students, they will be equipped to survive.
Many biblical stories focus on hardships, so most Christians are not blissfully unaware of the devastation that life can throw at us. But, offering real-life guidance is a different thing entirely. Teach your students that life is not always fair, and at times you might feel like losing faith. Though we may feel this way, trusting in God’s plan will always get us through the hard times that life can throw at us.
Does it highlight the value of a good education?

Going to college to study isn’t in the cards for everyone, nor should it be. There are a variety of ways to lead a happy, fulfilling life, and that doesn’t always look like a college education. But, we can educate ourselves in many different ways — it is down to us to make it count. Whether through reading, watching documentaries, or simply stepping out of our comfort zone, expanding our education is important.
So, choose a curriculum that instills an appreciation for a solid education in your students. We should be learning every single day of our lives. As Christians, this could involve Bible study, research into the marginalization of our local communities and ways to help, or even ancient Bible study. What we cannot do is sit back and stagnate.
Does it prioritize self-discipline and hard work?

One of the main changes that students will experience upon leaving high school is managing the amount of freedom they have. Going from having almost none to having it all will encourage some kids to let loose a little too much. While a certain degree of fun is healthy and to be expected, we can start to worry if this goes too far.
To combat this, make sure your children’s church lessons prioritize the value of self-discipline and hard work. The rewarding feeling of accomplishing something you have worked hard for is second to none. So, be sure to include many mini-projects and activities throughout your Sunday school that highlights the importance of sticking at things, even though they may be challenging at first.
There are countless different kids’ ministry curriculum options out there, and choosing the one that’s best for you will come down to a multitude of factors. We know that choosing just one can feel overwhelming, which is why we have compiled a list of some of the best student ministry curriculums. Be sure that the package you pick prepares your students for life after high school.
You can design your own curriculum if you prefer getting creative with it, which is a particularly great option for older kids as you can include relevant information that might not be available on structured curriculums. For example, how many people left school without knowing how to do their taxes? Probably a huge amount. Offering resources that help with practical survival tips such as these can be an incredible lifeline for high school kids as they prepare for the next chapter of their lives.