During the season on digital learning, many churches are adopting the Video Hub solution, to give families a way to connect. The Video Hub is one central location to display all your Church’s content. Families can watch the material at their own pace, much the same way you can watch Netflix at your speed (binge or spread out viewing). Also, with the Video Hub, you know your kids are in a safe controlled viewing space, unlike YouTube, which will show ads and play random videos during and after initial viewing is over. Our goal with the Video Hub is to make it a safe and ideal place your families can visit to watch kids ministry content.
With over 100,000 families tuning into Kids’ Ministry content via Playlister each weekend, we’ve learned a lot about engaging with families at home. Here are three examples of some of the most thoughtful Video Hubs from our partners.
Pro tip: Let your parents go back and watch the previous week’s content. Woodland has done a great job letting parents access VBS at their own pace and making it available after VBS was over. This has resulted in improved viewership over time for Woodland.
Grace Bible Church Video Hub - https://at-home.playlister.app/grace-bible-church11
Pro tip: Add videos talking about the plan to reopen your campus. Making families feel safe and letting them know your intention to open is vital to creating the support the community needs. Try making a video to communicate to families what your plan looks like and how they can help.
Woodside Kids Video Hub - https://at-home.playlister.app/woodsidekids
Pro tip: Creating cover artwork that is big, bold, and fun helps parents quickly navigate the Video Hub to find what they want to watch. Woodside Kids does an excellent job color coordinating their age groups and keeping the branding consistent throughout the experience.
Use Analytics and find the videos families love
Pro tip: With our new analytics dashboard, your church can see even more details about how families are watching content in the Video Hub. Make sure you take into consideration what media families are viewing the most. You can also see what Orange content is most popular and trending across the country. Using this information about top media and trending videos is vital to programing content your families will love.
Think the Video Hub is a good fit for your Church? Click here to invest in the Video Hub for $99.99/month - you can cancel anytime if it doesn’t meet your expectations.