Instilling in children the skills for daily quiet time, regular worship, and gratitude, devotionals for kids are an incredible way to help youngsters to study the Bible in bite-sized chunks. From resources for preschool story time to more complex passages for young adults, there are a multitude of different fun Bible devotionals for kids out there. Read on to learn more about our top nine picks, for kids of all ages.
Read Aloud For Preschoolers (Aged 3-5)
The One Year Devotionals for Preschoolers – Crystal Bowman
Following four young friends as they learn to walk with God, this beautifully illustrated book for kids is perfect for a bedtime read. Combining a short Bible verse, devotional thought, and a rhyming prayer to create a comprehensive understanding, reading this book is a wonderful way to encourage young children to interact with scripture daily.
Starting to Read (Aged 4-8)
The Purpose Driven Life 100 Devotions for Children – Rick Warren
Written by Pastor Rick Warren, and illustrated by Morgan Huff, this collection of 100 devotionals speaks to the daily challenges that young kids face. Based on his bestselling books for adults ‘A Purpose Driven Life,’ these devotionals will guide kids through the teachings of scripture whilst equipping them with the tools to navigate this world in accordance with God’s teachings.
The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden – Kevin DeYoung
Sharing a big picture view of the Bible and God’s plan with your young ones, this book of devotionals is great for the whole family. Beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and finishing with Christ’s death on the cross, this book of devotionals will connect the dots for your child. Complete with incredible illustrations by award-winning Don Clark, this book offers some of the best Bible devotionals, leaving no stone unturned.

Great for Middle-schoolers (8-12)
Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions For Kids – Sarah Young
Adapted from the version for adults, this collection is one of the best daily devotionals for kids as you can read alongside your child. Written as though Jesus is speaking directly to the reader, these passages are sure to touch the heart. Relaying the simple promises of the Lord through uncomplicated language, this book will help your child to know that they are safe and loved by God.
Heroes of the Bible Devotional – Joshua Cooley
Challenging the idea that material success or glory are what make someone a hero, this collection of 90 devotions for middle schoolers focuses on the heroes of the Bible. From Moses and Noah to Ruth and Paul, this book highlights that the qualities that make them heroes are not what some kids would assume. Instead of championing the richest person or the fastest runner, why not value the kindest or most courageous friend?
You’re God’s Girl and For Girls Like You – Wynter Pitts
Written for ‘tween’ aged girls, these Christian books for kids follow a devotional and prayer format. Helping to guide young girls through a typically tumultuous period, the messages shared in this book teaches important morals. Sharing God’s perspective on the things such as friendships, the value of hard work, and beauty, this book will encourage your young daughter to maintain clarity on their Christian worldview, and themselves.
3-Minute Devotions for Boys: 90 Exciting Readings for Men Under Construction – Glenn Hascall
Perfect for those boys that find reading a bore, these Bible devotionals for kids are compact and concise. Jam-packed with references to sports, video games, and machines, they are sure to capture the curiosity of your young son. With a one-minute scripture selection to meditate on, a one-minute devotional to read through, and a one-minute prayer to recite, these succinct passages will make for very easy worship.
What Teenagers Need (Aged 13-18)
Teen to Teen: 365 Daily Devotions by Teen Guys for Teen Guys – Patti M. Hummel
Consisting of a collection of devotionals written by teenagers themselves, this uniquely crafted book is highly relatable for teenage boys. Covering important topics such as bullying, peer pressure, substance abuse, divorce, and sex, this daily devotionals guide does not shy away from difficult discussions. Reading this will equip your youngster with the knowledge and strength to choose the right thing, whilst assuring them that God is with them every step of the way.
The One Year Devos for Teen Girls – Dannah Gresh and Susan Weibel
Guiding your young daughter through her teenage years, this pack of daily devotionals includes life experience and advice directly from the two authors, in a big-sisterly way. With ten different categories of topics addressed alongside God’s perspective on the issue, reading these devotionals will help your daughter to make the right choices. Fresh and current, this book reads like a handbook on living as a young girl in today’s society.
Encouraging your child to take a moment to breathe, think, and pray each day is an invaluable skill in today’s busy and rushed world. Demonstrating the value of daily meditation and appreciation to your children, daily devotionals are a wonderful way to keep your kids mindful of their decisions and their place in the world.
From preschool read-aloud storybooks to young adult handbooks, these are some of the best devotionals for your kids. Whilst we love Christian TV shows too {insert link to Yippee vs. Minno blog}, the value of time away from the screens cannot be understated. Inspiring thought and valuable discussions, following a daily devotional plan will carve out the space in your child’s life for connection with God every single day.