And the Best Place To Find It
When it comes to the different signage-types, are you still not sold on the importance of a digital signage solution? Keep reading so we can change your mind. Use your digital sign board to display things like:
1. Share Details of Events

Display the times of events so your congregation will never miss a thing. Bring the spirit of the event alive with a fun and dynamic video to pique the interest of your congregants. Share details about everyday services too, reminding your parents about the Sunday school activity your kids’ ministry leader has planned.
2. Unique Greetings From Your Congregation

Start a project where you interview members of your congregation and ask them to share a supportive or encouraging message with the rest of your church. This will inspire the attendees of your church to look out for one another, building feelings of connectedness in the community too. You could even combine this with your church’s social media campaign, and share this special greeting on Insta and in person.
3. Display Songs, Prayers, and the Bible

What better thing to show on your digital church sign than religious snippets from the Bible? Use relevant quotes from scripture that relate to current affairs and what is going on in the world. This way, your congregants will feel seen and guided by the words of Biblical figures, reminding your congregation of the timelessness of the Bible.
4. Put Newcomers, Birthdays, and Anniversaries in the Spotlight

Celebrate with your volunteers, workers, and long-standing congregants by sharing their good news! Write a welcome note for newcomers encouraging people to say a friendly “hi,” and your new congregants will feel well looked after from the very beginning. Include all kinds of good news, from birthdays and anniversaries to promotions and work achievements.
5. Publicize Upcoming Fundraising Events and Volunteer Opportunities

Publicity is a must if you hope to receive the donations your church is aiming for. Share the story at the heart of your fundraiser on your smart digital signage solutions so that members can’t help but be involved. Assign a team of artistic volunteers to the role of creating engaging content to work alongside your fundraising events and volunteer opportunities.
6. Include Your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Feeds

Showing your social media channels will remind your church members to get involved online and in church. Set it up to shift automatically between your social media pages to keep your digital sign board feeling fresh, inspiring your attendees to share their thoughts when needed. And, it will provide some entertainment when your attendees see comments from their friends.
7. Share Dates and Activities for Summer Camps for Kids

During the summer, use your digital signage solution to share essential information and dates about the activities at your vacation Bible school. Display information about all the summer camps in the local area, supporting parents as they may be looking for wholesome childcare options for their kids. You could even share them on your outdoor digital signs to be noticed by more people.
8. Speed, Speed, and Speed Again!

One of the main reasons your church needs a digital signage solution is it gives you the freedom to adjust your content in real-time. With Playlister, you can add images, revise content, and update the entire sign in less than a minute from anywhere in the world! You simply don’t get that kind of freedom or flexibility with USB sticks and hard drives.
9. Share Kids Ministry Content With Ease

Are you sick and tired of using USB sticks and printable hand-outs to share your kids’ ministry content? We definitely are! When you choose Think Orange curriculum (learn more about why it's a favorite here) with Playlister church presentation software, you barely have to lift a finger to share your required content.
With Playlister, all the content is automatically sent to the classroom/screen where it is needed, saving your volunteers from fumbling with CDs and downloads. Your kids deserve the best, so why not choose a signage solution for churches that doubles as a children’s ministry upgrade?
Which Digital Signage Solution Should I Choose?

Are you looking for a digital signage solution, kids’ ministry content sharer, and church presentation software all in one? Playlister is what you have been looking for.
The streamlined interface allows church leaders to adjust the software to do exactly what they need. Designed with churches in mind, this software is intuitive to use for volunteers and workers alike.
Depending on the size of your church and how many people you serve, your choice of digital signage solution providers may vary. But what always rings true is that your digital signage should be user-friendly, easily accessible, and inspire creativity for interesting content. Learn more with our digital signage solutions evaluation guide.
Upgrading to a digital signage solution like Playlister is a no-brainer. Elevate the kind of displays you use in your foyer and outside as a bulletin board to attract the attention of newbies and old-timers alike. Ditch the stale signboards no one has read in millennia – breathe life into your church with a digital sign.